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CWLCs 10th Anniversary
CWLCs 10th Anniversary
CWLCs 10th Anniversary Ceremony & Hybrid Teaching & Learning Conference
30 May 2023, 11:00 am – 3:20 pm
G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons,
Pok Fu Lam Rd, Lung Fu Shan, Hong Kong
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Programme Rundown

11:00 AM

Commencement of the ceremony & Welcoming Speech

11:05 AM

Ribbon Cutting, Toasting and Roasted Pig Cutting (on the stage)

11:12 AM

Presenting Legacy Quill to Donor, Dr LAM Ko Yin, Colin, Chairman of the Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Co. Ltd.,
Vice Chairman of Henderson Land Development Co Ltd.

11:15 AM

Speech by Dr LAM Ko Yin, Colin, Chairman of the Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Co. Ltd., Vice Chairman of Henderson Land Development Co Ltd.

11:20 AM

Mr. LEUNG Sze Ho, Louis, Deputy Secretary-General, University Grants Committee Secretariat

11:25 AM

Speech by Ms. Flora NG, Chief Information Officer and University Librarian, HKU - Introduction of Chi Wah Learning Commons history and development in 10 years

11:28 AM

Keynote by Professor CHENG, Kai Ming, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU (Topic: Learning Commons: Revamping Learning)

11:50 AM

Lunch on the house

1:15 PM

Fireside Chat

1:35 PM

Technology sharing on "ChatGPT 3.5, 4.0 and Azure Open AI" by Microsoft (Azure OpenAI)

2:20 PM

Tour of RRS321, CWLCs & The Library (optional)

Event video & materials

Video recording of CWLCs 10th Anniversary Ceremony & Hybrid Teaching and Learning Conference 

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Keynote by Professor CHENG, Kai Ming, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU – Learning Commons: Revamping Learning

eLearning Platform Sharing by Mr. CP LAU, Team Leader, eLearning Team, Information Technology Services, HKU –

Moodle Teams Integration Block

eLearning Platform Sharing by Ms. Angela SIU, Team Leader, Web-mobility Team, Information Technology Services, HKU – Metaverse of HKU

Technology Sharing by Microsoft – ChatGPT 3.5, 4.0 and Azure OpenAI

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